"A message to White people…" -Bevelyn Beatty
"Yes, my name is Bevelyn, and I'm an Uncle Tom."
Bevelyn Beatty is a religious young woman with her own point of view. She's doesn't seem to be an intellectual sort, but like the Black intellectuals in my "Black Thinkers Matter" posts, she's not buying the idea that she's oppressed and needs to look to white liberals or black men like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to lead her out of bondage.
Note added July 19, 2020: Since I shared Ms. Beatty's video she has behaved in a very dismaying way, defacing the Black Lives Matter mural in front of Trump Tower in New York, in a quite hysterical manner, and inadvertently injuring a police officer, even as she was crying out "Refund the police!". I don't condone what she did, but I fear that this is a harbinger of things to come as people who believe in law and order and respect for property rights feel more and more helpless watching cities burn, riots run rampant, and neighborhood takeovers, while too many local governments stand to the side in approval or in fear, refusing to do the job that governments properly exist to do.
The BLM mural she defaced was painted on the street with the participation of the mayor of New York. But Ms. Beatty believes that Black Lives Matter is a bogus organization that is hyping up a false belief that cops are out to get blacks specifically, and that blacks are still a victim class - which she does not believe. She believes that BLM has an ulterior political motive, and that if black lives were really their concern they would focus primarily on the problem of the high violent crime rate perpetrated by blacks against blacks, because that is a far greater threat to black lives than the cops. She's angry that the focus is deflected from the greater tragedy to the lesser one and that racial tensions are overblown and thereby exacerbated by the BLM narrative. So perhaps when she saw the mayor of New York joining the BLM in painting the mural on the street in front of Trump Tower, that was one straw too many and she just lost her grip.
But I don't know this woman, her personal issues, or anything that may have played into her actions except what she had to say in her video. Perhaps we'll learn more later.
I think her crack-up expresses the frustration and anger of many people, white and black, over how the far left plays on race instead of trying to solve real problems. Is police brutality a real problem? Of course it is. There are bad cops and burnt-out cops, and sometimes good cops make tragic mistakes. There are also bad laws that lead to injustice. And all of that badness and error rains down on black and white and brown people alike. All of that needs to be attended to. Playing the race card ignores the fact that people of every race suffer at the hands of police corruption, errors and bad laws. If you're a white family who has wrongfully lost a loved one to a policeman's gun or knee, you're going to wonder where the protests and outrage are for that injustice. The name of your loved one most likely never was heard outside of your local news. Because he or she was white. And that doesn't serve the far left's political strategy.
When people say "All lives matter", that is what they mean.
"Yes, my name is Bevelyn, and I'm an Uncle Tom."
Bevelyn Beatty is a religious young woman with her own point of view. She's doesn't seem to be an intellectual sort, but like the Black intellectuals in my "Black Thinkers Matter" posts, she's not buying the idea that she's oppressed and needs to look to white liberals or black men like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to lead her out of bondage.
Note added July 19, 2020: Since I shared Ms. Beatty's video she has behaved in a very dismaying way, defacing the Black Lives Matter mural in front of Trump Tower in New York, in a quite hysterical manner, and inadvertently injuring a police officer, even as she was crying out "Refund the police!". I don't condone what she did, but I fear that this is a harbinger of things to come as people who believe in law and order and respect for property rights feel more and more helpless watching cities burn, riots run rampant, and neighborhood takeovers, while too many local governments stand to the side in approval or in fear, refusing to do the job that governments properly exist to do.
The BLM mural she defaced was painted on the street with the participation of the mayor of New York. But Ms. Beatty believes that Black Lives Matter is a bogus organization that is hyping up a false belief that cops are out to get blacks specifically, and that blacks are still a victim class - which she does not believe. She believes that BLM has an ulterior political motive, and that if black lives were really their concern they would focus primarily on the problem of the high violent crime rate perpetrated by blacks against blacks, because that is a far greater threat to black lives than the cops. She's angry that the focus is deflected from the greater tragedy to the lesser one and that racial tensions are overblown and thereby exacerbated by the BLM narrative. So perhaps when she saw the mayor of New York joining the BLM in painting the mural on the street in front of Trump Tower, that was one straw too many and she just lost her grip.
But I don't know this woman, her personal issues, or anything that may have played into her actions except what she had to say in her video. Perhaps we'll learn more later.
I think her crack-up expresses the frustration and anger of many people, white and black, over how the far left plays on race instead of trying to solve real problems. Is police brutality a real problem? Of course it is. There are bad cops and burnt-out cops, and sometimes good cops make tragic mistakes. There are also bad laws that lead to injustice. And all of that badness and error rains down on black and white and brown people alike. All of that needs to be attended to. Playing the race card ignores the fact that people of every race suffer at the hands of police corruption, errors and bad laws. If you're a white family who has wrongfully lost a loved one to a policeman's gun or knee, you're going to wonder where the protests and outrage are for that injustice. The name of your loved one most likely never was heard outside of your local news. Because he or she was white. And that doesn't serve the far left's political strategy.
When people say "All lives matter", that is what they mean.
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